Jumat, 17 Mei 2013


( penggunaan : kata kerja bantu)

To Be              = is, am, are : present     
                            was, were : past
A.     Be  + to + Verb I = menyatakan harus, diharapkan, akan
1.       Mr.President is to open a national event      ( diharapkan membuka)
2.       I am to finish my duty on time                      (harus menyelesaikan) 
3.       Batik Air is to arrive at  7.00 PM                (diharapkan tiba)

B.      Be +  Verb ing = menyatakan sedang, akan
1.       She is singing Java song                                ( sedang menyanyi)
2.       The plane is arriving at 7.00 PM                   (akan tiba)

C.      Be + Verb III    = di ... / ter.... (kalimat pasif)
1.       He is appointed as head of departement     (ditunjuk)
2.       The car was repaired by Sam                                   (diperbaiki)
3.       Right now, the letter is being written by Sarah          (sedang di tulis)
4.       That castle has been visited by many tourist              (telah di kunjungi)
5.       Recently, the work has been being done by John     (telah sedang di kerjakan)
6.       The work will be finished by 5:00 PM                      (akan di selesaikan)

D.     Be + going to + Verb I                               =  menyatakan akan
1.       I am going to go to Mecca   
2.       We are going to have an UN test

HAVE / HAS / HAD     (mempunyai)
A.     Have / has  + Verb III                 = menyatakan telah
1.       He has studied for three hours                        ( telah belajar)
2.       We have begun the new schedule                   (telah mulai)

B.      Have / Has + to + Verb I                        = menyatakan harus / terpaksa
1.       We  have to go now                         ( harus pergi)
2.       She has to work as unskilled labor    (terpaksa bekerja)

C.      Had + better + Verb I                                = menyatakan sebaiknya
1.       You had better stay here                               (sebaiknya tinggal)
2.       We had better prepare for the exam              (sebaiknya mempersiapkan)

DO /DOES / DID                            (mengerjakan, melakukan, melaksanakan)
A.     DO /DOES / DID +not                = menyatakan tidak, jangan (kalimat negatif)
1.       He doesn`t understand the meaning
2.       We didn`t know the regulation, yesterday

B.      DO /DOES / DID + S + Verb I = menyatakan Apakah... (kalimat  tanya)
1.       He doesn`t understand the meaning
2.       We didn`t know the regulation, yesterday

C.      DO /DOES  + Verb I     = menyatakan sungguh-sungguh, benar-benar
1.       He does realize that its wrong               (sungguh-sungguh menyadari)
2.       I do apreciate your effort on bussiness  (sungguh-sungguh menghargai)

DARE  (berani)
Dare + to+ Verb I         = menyatakan berani
1.       She dares to go         (berani)
2.       I dare not to go         (tidak berani)

NEED ( perlu,butuh)
A.     Need + to + Verb I    
We need to work                                 (perlu)

B.      Need + not + Verb I  
You need not to attend the meeting       (tidak perlu)

Use /used  + N + Verb I                         = menyatakan menggunakan
eg.   I use  knife  to slice this meat                 ( menggunakan pisau)  present
        I used  knife  to slice this meat               ( menggunakan pisau) past

Used to + Verb I                         = menyatakan dulu..., biasa.... ( past tense)
eg.  I used to live with my parent in a village        ( dulu tinggal)

Be + Used to + Verb Ing / N  = menyatakan terbiasa  ( present tense)
eg.  We are used to watching TV at mid night      ( terbiasa nonton )

Accustomed to + Verb ing / N            = menyatakan Biasa/ terbiasa
eg.  The students are accustomed to speaking English on Saturday           (terbiasa berbicara)

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